Sunday, May 3, 2020

What is Horror??

If you write a line of zeroes, it´s still nothing.     

 -- Ayn Rand



    We bleed words easily.
    -Robert Funge

    Bob was a jolly fellow
    who wrote dark poetry
    and taught me how a line

    breaks the way a
    heart breaks in the sweltering
    heat of sorrow.

    “The poem will tell you
    what it wants,” he said.

    “Don’t tell me,
    show me,” he said.

    “Let’s go for Mexican
    food,” he always said.

    And on a cool day in March
    the last breath escaped
    his lips and the poet

    was gone forever, except
    in these lines from
    time to time.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful poem, about Robert. He inspired me too. I miss him, and I will always see the calling in my work that he looked for in his own work. Searching for the faith in a sometimes broken-down world. Finding inspiration from flawed people, even in our own flaws. He was as direct as he was compassionate. He took no shortcuts. Because of him I believe in poetry, the poem, and the poet. Thank you for the gift of your writing.
